Baby Steps

While we're on the subject of making stuff with our hands -
Non & I took the opportunity to finally put ourselves out there.
We had a table at Pachanga Sweat Studio Launch, which took place on Sunday.
What a learning curve. Many things were learnt and ideas refined.
Am particularly proud of the response that Non's necklaces are getting.
Although my mom is against against baby steps, she's more of a giant leap typa-person - I say, as long as you keep it moving and growing.

Non (which is short for Nontando) wearing one of my 2-in-1 pieces

Non's movement is called Ntombiziyokh'amanzi

Ntombiziyokhamanzi pieces

My fav is the top right hand corner. Also middle centre is a strong contender *swoon*

Ssme Ntombiziyokhamanzi's necklaces are simple, others feat lace and some are a double-whammy of awesome

me. photo by Non 

Slomokazi: Slo and Steady wins the race

A close up of my pieces. Ps. all are scented

Slomokazi  scented flower headbands, flower necklaces x headbands and afrikan harts

Against the Jozi skyline

Non x Slo display

basically, the movement before the sunset and it went wild

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Creative Craft

We make stuff with our hands.
Creative craft is a thing for us.
Right now, I'm making a range of Slomokazi flower-headbands, flower-chokers and flower-necklackes.
 Also check here for the various headband colourways.

Also, Nontando recently started making necklaces under Ntombiziyokhamanzi. She left a few at my place after a creative-craft session we had. I wore it to work and my Lato loved them so she ordered a pack of 3.

We've also played around with beaded earrings and will be returning to that soon.

Slomokazi maroon & green flower headband

Slomokazi maroon & green flower headband
Three colour Ntombiziyokhamanzi necklace

Lato's  Ntombiziyokhamanzi 3-piece necklace pack

Lato in her Ntombiziyokhamanzi

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