We were once warriors instead of worriers. Ones who would march forth and free with minimum thought to consequence. Then again, consequences were not were not what they are today. Dirty All Star sneakers and Mohawks have been replaced by the Mainland’s definition of presentable. Mainland ignores the fact that sneakers do not determine one’s IQ and ability.
Calculation has eliminated impulse. We who were once against any form of oppression have become blind to the thin line between cautiousness and self imprisonment. Freedom to act out one’s desires has been renamed recklessness. Survival requires restriction and discipline. Mistakes are priviledges. The Black Label drinking black sheep is extinct. Now exist a new breed that that rocks black suits and drinks anti – depressants. Today’s version of the 6 to 6 involves computer screens and company policies. Innocence and naivety is missed. Not much can be done I suppose... Than make the best of the memories and hope not to lose one’s self.
*I am fucking tired of the 9-5!*
Stay awake.