A guy on some show on the discovery channel (think it was "Destroyed in Seconds") lifted a chopper with his bare hands which resulted in a life being saved. Now this was no Rambo-type-character. He was your over weight, greasy, butt crack exposing McDonalds frequenting type, undeniably unfit. So how did he do it? I discovered that it was all the workings of a hormone called:
Noradrenaline -- which works with adrenaline to help the endocrine system produce the "fight or flight" response; in an emergency situation, it boosts the oxygen supply to the brain and the supply of glucose to the muscles.
So if you all-of-a-sudden are able to unleash a Jet-Li can of whup ass on some thugs trying to mug you, it's probably the workings of this incredible hormone.
(Such amazing detail the human body has.. There has to be a Greater Existence somewhere out there..)
Back in the day we use to call it "ighwababa"....it can do magic