Okay so grand sharp, I love horror. I remember the first horror movie I watched when I was a kid was 'Child's Play 1" (you know, with Chucky the doll possesed with the soul of a serial killer). I've been inlove with horror since so can you imagine my joy when I bumped into a South African horror movie called 'The Unforgiving'. The Unforgiving firstly starts of with awesome shots that will make you totally believe that you about to be blown away but unfortunatley it turns out that it is the South African version of Saw. How dissapointing. The production was not bad at all, the sound is very convincing and appropriate so I suppose we are getting there. They obviously had the money to do the movie but it's quite baffling why they just couldn't come up with an original script?
I really hope that in time we can have more local horror writers, it's such a neglected genre. I have a short story or two myself, the last time I shared it with someone they reckoned that I was absolutely demented...
I cannot wait to check this out:
I hope it's dope, even if it's not, I'll still believe.
Niyamukhumbula uLesilo?!
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